


Note: This essay was written for an English First People’s Assignment, thank you....

Training for the Future

or, Why I'm an Advocate of the Trial by Fire

On Thursday, the 23rd of May, 2024, my high school psychology teacher claimed that β€œthe future...

Who Cares If I End Up on the No-Fly List

or, "Let's Make an FPS!"

Jesus Christ. Jesus FUCKING Christ.

The fact that this alt-right bullshit has made it to mainstream...


or, "Omlette"

If you’re wondering what the title stands for, it’s Yet Another Update From Yet Another...

Fascism Litmus Test

As of writing, it has been 164 days since October 7th. In this time, we’ve seen an alarming...

Fuck It, It's All Me

For the past few months I’ve had my blog separated into two different pages: /posts/ and...

How to Make a Screenspace Visualshader in Godot

Click here to skip to the instructions.

So Godot Engine has a really cool shader system, allowing...

Installing Fmod Studio on Pop!_OS

So, as a game developer, I love FMOD. Advanced sound is always so cool to me! However, when...

Don Hertzfeldt, Hangar, and the Desire to Be Human

So if you’ve spent any amount of time talking to me (or, more accurately, listening to me...

The Rare Moments You Feel Like You're Real

[This summary omitted due to a bizzare bug]

My First Fullindie Meetup

So… I’m writing this on the ferry ride home from my very first FullIndie meetup! I...

The Perfect Mac and Cheese (According to My Dead Dad)

My dad (or as I and my family called him, Lala,) had a lot of experience with making mac and cheese...

Eggs Like Russian Dolls

So a while back I made a post about how my egg had cracked, and that I was, disappointingly, cis.


Oops! All Parasocial!

Jesus Christ Parasocial You need to log off

So… it’s not exactly a secret that I’ve struggled to make friendships in life....

The Heat Is Horrible

So… it’s mid May and the temperature has suddenly shot up by about 10 degrees where I...

Footpedal: A FOSS Audio Engine for Games

I love dynamic audio in games. Being a game developer, I want to add it to my own projects....

I'm Fine: a Short Film

I’m Fine is a short film that I wrote, recorded, and filmed almost entirely by...

You've Cracked Your Egg, Now Fry in It

A while back I made a post about my gender and my experience in questioning. I’m happy to...

That One Person Who Presses All the Buttons

Do you have that one person who just somehow perfectly presses the buttons on all of your...


Hey! You might notice something new down at the bottom of my blog posts. It’s a comments...

Eggs and Gender

Gender is weird.

It’s such a social construct yet our society has been built on it on such a...

A Brief Hantiplad About Everything Everywhere All At Once

So I finally got to watch that movie everyone was talking about last year. It’s honestly even...


I feel like the people we get along best with are always, to some degree, mirrors of ourselves. My...

Game Engines [ARCHIVE]

PLEASE NOTE: this is an archive from my original blog. It was my only post.

Before we begin: A game...